RAJASTHAN BSTC RESULT 2019: Welcome back to your website. Rajasthan announced the result of Rajasthan BSTC 2019. So this is the good news for those students, which apply for BSTC 2019. So you can read, Rajasthan BSTC result 2019, Rajasthan BSTC counseling date, process, Rajasthan BSTC College list, and much more in this article. So if you are interested then you can read this article completely. I am explaining all details related to Rajasthan BSTC 2019, on this page. And If you want to more about Rajasthan BSTC then you can check the Rajasthan official website www.bstc2019.org. I am giving the link in the below. You can check and read.
Rajasthan government announced that Rajasthan BSTC result 2019 will came on 30 June 2019. 7.5 lakh of a student given the exam of BSTC. and they have very existed for the result. So this is the good news for those students. And those students, which passed in the result will be called for counseling. The date of counseling is not confirmed. but on an idea, the counseling will be started from July to August. All details related to counseling, you can read in this article. And for more information related to a government job, you can visit our website sarkarinaukriexams.net.
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2019
Rajasthan conducts the exam of Rajasthan BSTC every year and many of the student given the exam. And the Rajasthan BSTC result 2019 comes on the month of June. And this year, the exam will conduct on 26 May 2019. Now announced that the result will come on 30 June 2019. So if you are the candidate, which given the exam of Rajasthan BSTC 2019. So you are ready for counseling.
Rajasthan BSTC Result Declared on | 30 June 2019(Expected) |
Final Merit List Released | 4th Week of June 2019 |
Counseling will be begins | July to August |
Rajasthan BSTC Official Website | bstc2019.org |
For More Information | Click Here |
दोस्तों राजस्थान बीएसटीसी रिजल्ट २०१९ जल्द ही आने वाला है जिसकी तारीख ३० जून २०१९ बताई जा रही है। तोह अगर आपने भी राजस्थान BSTC 2019 का एग्जाम दिया था तोह ये आपके लिए एक अच्छी खबर है। तो अगर आप एग्जाम पास कर लेते है और रिजल्ट में आपका नाम आता है तो आपको काउंसलिंग के लिए बुलाया जायेगा। राजस्थान बीएसटीसी काउंसलिंग की तारीख अभी तक नहीं आयी है। लेकिन जुलाई से अगस्त के महीने में आपकी काउंसलिंग कर ली जाएगी और आपको कॉलेज मिल जायेगा। मैं इस आर्टिकल में आपको राजस्थान बीएसटीसी के बारे में सारी जानकारी दे रहा हु। जैसे राजस्थान बीएसटीसी रिजल्ट डेट 2019, राजस्थान बीएसटीसी काउंसलिंग तारीख, राजस्थान बीएसटीसी काउंसलिंग प्रोसेस २०१९, राजस्थान बीएसटीसी कॉलेज लिस्ट। तो मैं आशा करता हु की ये आर्टिकल आपके लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होगा। और राजस्थान बीएसटीसी के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप राजस्थान बीएसटीसी ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट bstc2019.org पर भी जा सकते है। और इसके बारे में और पढ़ सकते है।
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2019 Date
The date of Raj BSTC result is being reported on 30 June 2019. This date is not confirmed that the result will come definitely on this date. The Rajasthan BSTC result 2019 can late from 30 June 2019. So don’t worry, if the result lates then we will give the information for you about this website. But the result of RAj BSTC comes in the last of June. So I can take the idea that the result will be declared very soon. And the Raj BSTC result 2019 latest news is that the result of this year will be better from the previous year. So this is the good news for you. And the answer key is also declared very soon. And then you will download the Rajasthan answer key from the official website.
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2019 Kab Aayega
Rajasthan BSTC result 2019 , 30 जून २०१९ को आ रहा है। ये तारीख अभी कन्फर्म नहीं है रिजल्ट लेट भी हो सकता है। लेकिन झा तक आशा है रिजल्ट जून के महीने में आ जाता है। क्युकी Rajasthan BSTC result 2018, का रिजल्ट जून के चौथे सफ्ता में आ गया था। तो इस बार भी ये ही बोलै जा रहा है की ३० जून तक रेसुलित आने की सम्भावना है रिजल्ट आने के बाद आपकी काउंसलिंग शुरू हो जाएगी। Rajasthan BSTC काउंसलिंग में आपको किस किस डॉक्यूमेंट को लेके जाने की आवशयकता है वो मैं आपको इस आर्टिकल में बता दूंगा। तो आर्टिकल को पूरा पढ़े। तो मुझे आशा है की आपको आपके सवाल की Rajasthan BSTC Result Kab Aayega, का जवाब मिल गया होगा।
Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2019
The Result of Rajasthan BSTC 2019 did not come now. So you can take the idea of your right answer. The answer key is the important part, which asks which answer is right or wrong. And Help to do better in the next exam. So always, you see the answer key of every exam.
If you want to download the Rajasthan BSTC answer key 2019 then you can download from Official Website bstc2019.org after the result. And I am telling the process by which you can download Rajasthan BSTC Answer key 2019 easily.
- Firstly go to the Official Website bstc2019.org.
- Then click on the link of Rajasthan BSTC Answer key 2019.
- Then click on the download Buton.
- And then select the folder of your mobile.
So in this way you can download the Rajasthan BSTC Answer key 2019. This is a simple process and very easy.
Rajasthan BSTC Result 2019 Check
The result of Rajasthan BSTC will come on 30 June 2019. So now I am telling the process, by which you can see the result. This is an easy process, and by which you can see the result on your Android phone.
- Firstly go to the Rajasthan BSTC official Website bstc2019.org.
- So you will reach on the official website.
- Then click on the link of BSTC result.
- And then fill all details, which asked in the form such as roll no, name, date of birth and then click on the Proceed Button.
- So then your Rajasthan BSTC result will be opened in the next page.
So in this way, you can see the result. This is a very simple method. But the link of result will be available on after the 30 June. Then you will download the result.
Details In Rajasthan BSTC Result 2019
When your BSTC result will be Download then there are many details will be given in the result. So check all the details carefully. And there are many following details will be given in the result
- Roll Number
- Name
- Father name
- Category
- Gender
- Course
- Qualifying Exam
- Percentage
- Total Marks
- Maximum Marke
- Counselling serial Number
- Other Instruction
Rajasthan BSTC Counselling Date 2019
If you are passed in result then will be called for Counselling. But the Counselling date of Raj BSTC 2019 has not been confirmed. But after the result, the Counselling can be started. So the Counseling will be conducted on the date of July to August. And the result can be released on the date of 30 June 2019. So this is the good news that the counseling will be started on the July to August. And the counseling will be conducted on the two times. So be active and take the information of Rajasthan BSTC result 2019 from time to time.
Rajasthan BSTC College list 2019
So friends now, We will talk about Rajasthan BSTC college list 2019. There are many private and government college is available in Rajasthan. But many of the private colleges are not better so I am telling the list of Best BSTC college in Rajasthan.
- Maa Vaishnavi Education Institute and Research Sanathan (BARAN)
- Nirmal Shikshak Prashikashan sansthan Munderi (Jhalawar)
- Shri Agrsain mahila Teachers traning college (Dausa)
- Gulpadiya TT College Rashidpur(Dausa)
- Darshan B.ed College (Jhalawar)
- Dev kanya shikshan Prakshikshan Mahavidalay (Bhilwara)
- Ujjwal Vikram BSTC College (Pali)
- Childrean Academic DED college (Alwar)
- LBS STC College (Jaipur)
- S.M.S Mahila B.S.T.C Shikshak Prakshikan Vidhayalay (Ajmer)
- SHRI Mish Lal Dubey Mahila Shikshan Mahavidyalaya (Ajmer)
- Jila Shiksha Avam Prashikshan sansthan (Nagaur)