ADR Full Form, Full Form of ADR

ADR Full-Form | FUll Form of ADR | ADR Meaning



ADR stands for AMERICAN Depository Receipt. IT is a type of receipt or certificate, which help to invest in the U.S market. ADR issued by the American Bank. And this receipt gives only those person, who are interested to buy the share of non-U.S company or Foreign stocks through U.S Stock exchange.

The receipt tracks the price of the shares in the domestic markets. And any person, who lives in the USA, then that person can buy the non-U.S company shares with the help of ADR.

Benefits of ADR

  • This gives the opportunity to buy a share of the foreign market.
  • It helps to invest in the foreign market.
  • Their Corporative visibility increased in the U.S
  • ADR is a simple way to raise capital globally and encourage international investment.


ADR Full Form in Hindi

ADR का full form अमेरिकी डिपॉजिटरी रसीद है। जो अमेरिकन बैंक द्वारा उस वयक्ति को दी जाती है जो U.S Stock exchange के माध्यम से non-U.S company और Foreign stocks के शेयर खरीदने का इच्छुक हो।  ADR foreign market में इन्वेस्ट करने में सहायता करती है। तो अगर आप USA और आप शेयर मार्किट में इन्वेस्ट करना चाहते है तो आप इस तरीके के साथ जा सकते है।

SO Friends, these the information related to ADR, if you have any comment and suggestion then you can comment in the comment section.

Some Other form of ADR

ADRAdvanced Digital Recording
ADRAmicable Dispute Resolution
ADRAutomatic Driver Recognition
ADRArmy of Divine Rights
ADRAutomatic Data Relay
ADRAutomated Demand Resolution
ADRAutomatic Dialog Replacement
ADRAdvance Device Research
ADRAccounting Department Revenue
ADRAny day Rellay
ADRAnnual District Report
ADRAir Data Reference
ADRAmerican Depository Receipt
ADRAutomatic Delivery Rewards

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