UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019, Selection Process, College

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019: There are many of the student, which applied for the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Selection commission Junior assistant. So if you also applied for UPSSC Junior assistant, then this is the good news for you that UPSSC Junior Assistant admit card 2019 are coming very soon. So in this, you can check the UPSSC Admit card date, UPSSC Selection process and many other information related to UPSSC. And the purpose of this article that provided all the information about UPSSC. So if you are interested then you can read the complete article and I hope this article will be helpful for you. And for more information related to government jobs, you can visit our Website

Uttar Pradesh subordinate selection commission starts the recruitment on the various post every year. Many of the students applied for the UPSSC. And waiting for the admit card so. UPSSC released the notification that UPSSC admit card 2019 will have come very soon. So you can wait for the admit card.

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019

Form NameUPSSC Admit card
DepartmentUttar Pradesh Subordinate Selection Commission
LocationUttar Pradesh
Admit Card dateComing Soon (August 2019)
Vacancy1186 post
Official Website

UPSSC admit will come very soon, so in this article, we will discuss the selection process. The selection process of UPSSC is simple. Firstly UPSSC will conduct the Written exam. And if you clear the written exam then you can qualify for the UPSSC junior assistant. The last date of UPSSC application form is 20 July. And the date of Admit card did not declared now. So don’t worry, we will give all information about UPSSC regularly. And if you want to read more about the UPSSC then you can visit the UPSSC official Website

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019

यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के एप्लीकेशन के लिए हर साल लाखो लोग अप्लाई करते है।  इस साल इसकी आखिरी तारीख २० जुलाई २०१९। तो दोस्तों अगर आपने यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के लिए अप्लाई किया है तो ये आर्टिकल आपके लिए बहुत उपयोगी हो सकता है। क्युकी इस पोस्ट में हम यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के बारे में बात कर्ज और जानेगे की इसकी यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट एडमिट कार्ड कब आएंगे और आप यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट एडमिट कार्ड कैसे डाउनलोड कर सकते है, एग्जाम पेपर के बारे में और यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के भर्ती प्रोसेस के बारे में जानेगे।

दोस्तों यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के एडमिट कार्ड की तारीख अभी तक नहीं आयी है लेकिन यूपीएसएससी की लेटेस्ट अपडेट ये है की एडमिट कार्ड जल्द ही आने वाले है तो अगर आप एडमिट कार्ड के लिए इंतजार कर रहे है तो हम आपको बताते है की आप यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट एडमिट कार्ड 2019 कैसे डाउनलोड करेंगे।

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019 Date

UPSSC Admit card date are not declared. But UPSCC notification out that the UPSSC admit card will be decleared very soon. So if you are waiting for the admit card so you can wait. And if we talked about the previous year so the UPSCC admit card 2018 was release in the month of August. And the exam was conducted in the month of September. So we hope, that the admit card of UPSSC will came in the last week in the month of August. So now talk about, how to download the UPSSC admit card.

How to Download the UPSSC Admit Card 2019

So friend, if you want to download the UPSSC admit card then I am telling the simple process by which you can download the Uttar Pradesh subordinate selection commission admit card 2019. This is a simple process. So when you had fill the application form then you must fill the email id and mobile number in the application form. So UPSSC sends the link of admit card by which you can download the admit card easily. But if you do not accept any link of admit card, then you can download the admit card from UPSSC official website.

  • Firstly go to the UPSSC official Website
  • Then the UPSSC official website will be opened.
  • And then go to the Notice board section. And you can see the latest notification of UPSSC in this section.

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019

  • Then click on the UPSSC Admit card options.
  • And then UPSSC Admit card form will be opened.
  • Then fill all options such as registration number, password.
  • And click on the proceed button.

So in this way your admit card will be opened easily. And then now you can download the UPSSC Admit card 2019 easily. And if you have any problem and you want to any question then you can comment on the comment section.

NOTE: If you want to more about the UPSSC. Then you can visit UPSSC RECRUITMENT 2019 FULL DETAILS

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card kab Aayega

दोस्तों अगर आपने भी यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट के लिए अप्लाई किया है तो आपके दिमांग में भी ये सवाल बार बार आ रहा होगा की आखिर यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट एडमिट कार्ड कब आएगा। तो दोस्तों इसके बारे में अभी सही से कोई जानकारी नहीं है। लेकिन उम्मीद लगाई जा रही है की यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट का एडमिट कार्ड अगस्त के महीने में आ सकता है।  तो आप अपनी तयारी करते है। जब भी एडमिट कार्ड आएगा तो हम इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से आपको सूचित करते रहेंगे। और दोस्तों यूपीएसएससी जूनियर असिस्टेंट एडमिट कार्ड कैसे डाउनलोड करे तो इसके बारे में ऊपर सब कुछ बताया है।  जिसके द्वारा एडमिट कार्ड आने के बाद आप अपना एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर पाएंगे।

Details in UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019

So friend, when you will download the admit card then many of the details will be given in the UPSSC admit card 2019. So firstly check the all details of admit card carefully. So now we will discuss about the details of UPSSC Admit card 2019.

  • Registration Number
  • Candidate Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Exam Name
  • Center Address
  • Center Code
  • Some Instruction

UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit Card 2019


UPSSC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern 2019

So friend now we will talk about the UPSSC junior assistant exam pattern 2019. UPSSC Exam consists of four subjects. And every subject will have 40 or 20 marks.

SubjectNumber of questionMarks
Hindi & Writing Ability4020
General Intelligence Test2010
General Knowledge2010

Selection Process of UPSSC Junior Assistant 2019

So now we will talk about the selection process fo UPSSC. UPSSC recruit the candidate every year and the selection process are very simple. So you can be selected for UPSSC junior assistant by following criteria –

  • Written Exam
  • Based on Education qualification
  • Marks for skilled
  • Interview

So if you clear the following criteria then you can be selected for the job.

UPSSC Exam Centre List 2019

Now we will be telling the list of UPSSC Exam center, which helps you to know your exam center. In last year the exam conducted in the 40 cities in the Uttar Pradesh and 8 cities in the other state. So the exam center list of UPSSC is given below. So the candidate can check and read.

13Ambedkar Nagar
24Kanpur Nagar
25Lakhimpur Khiri
31Greater Noida

So, friend, this is the information related to UPSSC Junior Assistant Admit card 2019. And I hope this article will be helpful for you. And you have any query related to this post then you can comment. And share this post with your friends.

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